Reverse Hair Loss}

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Submitted by: Ervin C. Osvart

The real reason for Male Pattern Baldness has nothing to do with hormones or Dihydortestosterone but is simply due to lack of blood circulation to the papilla. The “experts” in the hair replacement industry would have you believe that hair-loss, specifically Male Pattern Baldness is caused by Dihydrotesterone (DHT) which causes the follicle to shrink and that nothing can be done about it. Well I can say unequivocally that this premise is a a fallacy and has been proven as such time and time again.Why do I say that? Because Ive done it. Not only have I grown back my own hair, after being diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness, Ive taught others how to grow their hair back as well. Furthermore, I grew back my hair without any drugs, products, surgery or gimmicks whatsoever. Thats right. Nothing other than a simple, powerful method that I learned almost thirty five years ago.

However, it wasnt only the method I learned that enabled me to completely reverse my hair loss while still in my early twenties. I firmly believe that the real reason I was able to reverse my balding and re-grow my hair was because of the understanding and knowledge that I gained of exactly why I was losing my hair, and why it could and would grow back. I never stopped believing that it would happen, which is why I never gave up searching for answers. Somehow, I knew the answer was out there, contrary to what the so-called experts would have me believe, and I was absolutely determined to find it. And find it, I did. I spent thousands of dollars, while still in my early twenties finally, in an act of utter desperation was fitted with a toupee, which I wore for almost two years. It was during this time I learned the real reason I was going bald and learned how to reverse the balding process and begin growing new hair.


The reason men go bald, at least those that are suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia, more commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness has nothing to do with hormones or follicles shrinking. It has everything to do with insufficient bloodflow to the papilla. Live hair cells are generated inside the follicle by the papilla. Without adequate blood-flow into papilla, there can be no new hair growth. Sufficient blood-flow is necessary to create the cells required to form the new hair shaft. Taking nutrients from the dermal papilla, the hair bulb generates new hair cells. As these cells move up through the hair root, they mature through a process called keratinization. As blood-flow to the papilla decreases, existing hair becomes dry, brittle and fall out. Since there is an insufficient supply of blood, the papilla can no longer create the cells required to form the new hair shaft.

In my ebook Grow New Hair! I chronicle my journey and battle with Male Pattern Baldness over thirty years ago, while still in my early twenties, and how I learned the secret to new hair growth, without drugs, surgery procedures or gimmicks of any kind. I have shared this information with hundreds of people around the world and have published my story.

About the Author: Ervin C. Osvart is the author of Grow New hair! My battle with Male Pattern Baldness and how I discovered the secret to New Hair Growth, with drugs products, surgery or gimmicks. Just facts! Be sure to visit


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