Facelift Alternative Treatments

Facelift Alternative Treatments


Anna Woodward

As people age their skin naturally loses its elasticity and firmness. This loss results in fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, across the forehead, and around the mouth and nose. Historically the solution has been to have one of the several varieties of surgical interventions that are called a facelift. There is only so much surgery a person can have and as skin loses its ability to hold its shape it also begins to scar more easily and this can make operations more conspicuous. On the other hand there are several non-surgical forms of facelift available.

The most popular form of non-surgical facelift is called a Botox injection. In fact Botox is the most popular cosmetic procedure of all time. Using an incredibly diluted solution of botulinum toxin the doctor inserts some into the muscles of the forehead and face. This solution temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles and smoothes the skin. The results typically last from between three and six months and the results are fairly stunning.


It is also possible to continue having these procedures consecutively with little ill effect reported. That being said it is critical to only have this treatment administered by a doctor or other medical professional. Some beauty spas are offering Botox injections but because of the serious danger of botulinum toxin it is highly recommended that you only have this done by a professional.

Another popular alternative to facelift is called dermabrasion. This uses a variety of mediums to remove the outer layers of skin. It is used to remove scars and tattoos but also has been found to be successful in removing fine lines of the face. It also is successful in removing sun-damaged skin to reveal new and younger skin beneath. It usually takes awhile for the skin to regrow and during that time there is a fair amount of redness and dryness that has been reported. Wearing a moisturizer and avoiding harsh sun has been shown to help reduce this discomfort.

A new and exciting alternative is called fractional laser treatment. This laser creates a number of controlled wounds on the face. These in turn begin producing new cells to heal themselves and it results in filling in of wrinkles and fine lines. It also stimulates the skin in a way that causes it to tighten and smooth over. The real beauty of this type of treatment is that there are almost no side effects. It is minimally invasive and the healing time is very short compared to microdermabrasion. Additionally the results seem to last for several months to a year.

Whether you opt to get a facelift or one of these alternative cosmetic procedures there is undoubtedly a treatment that can help you look as young as you feel.

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