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Industrial Air Conditioning Companies

Industrial Air Conditioning Companies


Jessica Thoms2

There is an important place for

air conditioning

at all levels of modern lifestyles. And this also extends itself to industrial setups and modern offices. There are various types of commercial establishments like that of multiplexes and shopping malls.


And owing to the large spaces of their area there is a need for a larger capacity cooling system that can ensure a steady and constant flow of cool air. These have several advantages. The designs of malls and cinema halls do not allow proper ventilations. Thus the flow of cooling system air acts like a fresh flow of breathing air for the people inside. Secondly, the presence of companies and equipments like computers, printers and other machines in office buildings lead to the emission of high heat. The machines get heated up with constant use over long hours and even create discomforting effect on the people. The centralized system of industrial air conditioning units brings forth an easy solution to all the offices of a large building. This will also allow cost sharing and reducing individual bills. There are several well known and established companies that are engaged in the manufacture of these units. Names of companies include brands like Carrier, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Daiken and Frigidaire among several others. There is also a common use of industrial air conditioning in factories and large- scale Manufacturing units.. There are usually heavy machineries used in such processes that emit a lot of heat and fumes in course of operations. There is a need for a system that will keep a balance in the temperature that is otherwise disturbed. The centralized form of cooling allows machines to cool off at the same time that there is an emission of heat from them. This has also led to comfortable and pleasant working environments for the employees and staff members. There is a marked difference seen in productivity and output levels as a result. The large setup of industrial air conditioning

can also lead to periodic defaults in the machine parts and functionality. There are servicing companies that are available for all kinds of minor and major repairs and servicing of malfunctions and defects in the units. Companies that are available in this field offer comprehensive packages that include several inspections and repairs in a year. There are also spares and replacements available with them that will be charged for separately whenever required.

For more information on

air conditioning

, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the

industrial air conditioning


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Reverse Hair Loss}

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Submitted by: Ervin C. Osvart

The real reason for Male Pattern Baldness has nothing to do with hormones or Dihydortestosterone but is simply due to lack of blood circulation to the papilla. The “experts” in the hair replacement industry would have you believe that hair-loss, specifically Male Pattern Baldness is caused by Dihydrotesterone (DHT) which causes the follicle to shrink and that nothing can be done about it. Well I can say unequivocally that this premise is a a fallacy and has been proven as such time and time again.Why do I say that? Because Ive done it. Not only have I grown back my own hair, after being diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness, Ive taught others how to grow their hair back as well. Furthermore, I grew back my hair without any drugs, products, surgery or gimmicks whatsoever. Thats right. Nothing other than a simple, powerful method that I learned almost thirty five years ago.

However, it wasnt only the method I learned that enabled me to completely reverse my hair loss while still in my early twenties. I firmly believe that the real reason I was able to reverse my balding and re-grow my hair was because of the understanding and knowledge that I gained of exactly why I was losing my hair, and why it could and would grow back. I never stopped believing that it would happen, which is why I never gave up searching for answers. Somehow, I knew the answer was out there, contrary to what the so-called experts would have me believe, and I was absolutely determined to find it. And find it, I did. I spent thousands of dollars, while still in my early twenties finally, in an act of utter desperation was fitted with a toupee, which I wore for almost two years. It was during this time I learned the real reason I was going bald and learned how to reverse the balding process and begin growing new hair.


The reason men go bald, at least those that are suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia, more commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness has nothing to do with hormones or follicles shrinking. It has everything to do with insufficient bloodflow to the papilla. Live hair cells are generated inside the follicle by the papilla. Without adequate blood-flow into papilla, there can be no new hair growth. Sufficient blood-flow is necessary to create the cells required to form the new hair shaft. Taking nutrients from the dermal papilla, the hair bulb generates new hair cells. As these cells move up through the hair root, they mature through a process called keratinization. As blood-flow to the papilla decreases, existing hair becomes dry, brittle and fall out. Since there is an insufficient supply of blood, the papilla can no longer create the cells required to form the new hair shaft.

In my ebook Grow New Hair! I chronicle my journey and battle with Male Pattern Baldness over thirty years ago, while still in my early twenties, and how I learned the secret to new hair growth, without drugs, surgery procedures or gimmicks of any kind. I have shared this information with hundreds of people around the world and have published my story.

About the Author: Ervin C. Osvart is the author of Grow New hair! My battle with Male Pattern Baldness and how I discovered the secret to New Hair Growth, with drugs products, surgery or gimmicks. Just facts! Be sure to visit


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U.S. Army’s surgeon general asked to resign

Monday, March 12, 2007

The United States Army’s Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Kevin C. Kiley resigned Monday due to the recent Walter Reed Army Medical Center neglect scandal. Lt. Gen. Kiley is the third official to be stripped of command due to the scandal.

Although he officially resigned, Pentagon officials made it clear that he had been dismissed over the scandal that has outraged veterans’ groups and appalled America.

Lt. Gen. Kiley was heavily criticized for his actions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where the hospital was kept in very poor condition and its patients neglected.

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5-year old American girl dies after visiting the dentist

Friday, September 29, 2006

Diamond Brownridge, a 5-year old girl from Chicago, Illinois, has died after a visit to the dentist. Children’s Memorial Hospital officials say that the girl was rushed to the hospital when she never woke up after being sedated for a dental procedure. She had been in a coma, on life support, since being admitted to the hospital early in the weekend.

“She passed very peacefully and beautifully,” said the hospital in a statement that the family issued.

Ommettress Travis, the mother of the girl, was asked not to remain inside the room while dentists were operating on the girl to repair two cavities and to have at least two caps replaced. Travis says after thirty minutes she was asked to come back in and found Brownridge not breathing, in the dentist chair.

Hicham Riba, a specialist and professional in anesthesia, who was also licensed, was the dentist in charge of the procedure.

“My family and I are so sad. May God bless Diamond and her family. Every time you have a tragedy like this, you pray more. I don’t think I will ever go back to a normal life after an experience like this,” Riba said in a statement on Wednesday, September 28.

According to the family, the girl had been given at least a triple dose of medicine that sedated her. Those drugs include: nitrous oxide gas, a single dose of an “oral agent” and an IV.

A judge has ordered that all equipment and materials used during the operation be protected and examined. The girl’s medical records have also been ordered to be examined.

There is no word on whether or not any charges will be filed against Riba or any of the dentist’s staff.

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20 percent of Victorians drive on worn tyres

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

A survey released today by the RACV and Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce found that 20 percent of cars in Victoria have at least one worn or unroadworthy tyre.

The study looked at 1,000 cars last month and found of those 200 had at least one tyre that had worn.

Chief engineer for the RACV, Michael Case said that driving on worn tyres could increase the distance it takes a car to brake and road safety. “Increasing the braking distance can increase the chance of running into the car in front of you and having an unnecessary collision and if that collision is serious enough certainly it can cause injuries” said Mr Case.

It is widely accepted that tyres are one of the most important parts of a vehicle. As tyres are the only part of a vehicle in contact with the road, they affect acceleration, braking and cornering.

As well as the safety issues associated with driving a vehicle with a worn tyre, drivers can be fined for “driving an unsafe vehicle” and fined AUD$171, in addition police may “defect” the vehicle, restricting its use until repaired. Victorian law requires that tyres have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm.

Wikinews investigated the average price of each tyre on a typical large and small Australian sedan, and SUV and found the cost to be AUD$129, AUD$105, and AUD$191 respectively.

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Live Independently With Personal Care In Your Own Home

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With the rising cost of residential care, many elderly people are turning to home care services to provide assistance which allows them to continue living independently. Professional carers can assist with everyday tasks such as preparing meals, dressing and washing or provide much needed social interaction and outings for individuals who live alone.

Personal Care Services

Broadly speaking, carers can provide the following personal care services:

* Assistance with bathing or showering including help getting dry

* Help in dressing and personal grooming

* Toilet assistance

* Medication support – either supervising or administering medication

* Assistance in getting up and going to bed

* Help with motion activities

It may be that you require assistance with only some of the above, or you may need help with all these tasks, but your Home nursing care Bath agency will discuss your requirements in full before providing you with a tailored care plan that outlines the duties and responsibilities of your carer. Reputable care agencies will always try to ensure continuity of care, so you should usually have the same carer each week (except in the case of carer holiday or illness).

Domestic Services

Home nursing care Bath agencies can also provide a domestic service including:

* Meal planning and preparation

* Shopping

* Cooking

* Sitting service

Escort service (to and from activities, hospital appointments and so forth)

Respite/relief services to a live-in carer

Dog walking

Feeding pets

Carrying out cleaning and housework

When you register with a care agency, they will be able to tell you the specific services they provide and advise you how many visits you may need a week to carry out the tasks requested. You can receive care from half an hour a week to a full time live-in service, and this depends on your needs and wishes. Whether you’re looking for someone to get you of bed in the morning and prepare breakfast, or need somebody to take you to your day centre appointment on a weekly basis, there is a Home nursing care Bath service that can help you.

Have Some Company

Carers can even provide company for you, if all you want is someone to sit and chat to over your favourite TV show and a nice cup of tea. They can sit and read to you from the newspaper or even a book of your choice, or you could swap amusing stories! Perhaps you just want the security of someone else at home with you in the evenings – when it’s dark and cold outside it can be easy to feel nervous and insecure even if you’re in your own home. Choose a sitting service, where a carer can spend a few hours keeping you company.

Personal care in your own home is worth its weight in gold and allows you to continue living independently whilst enjoying all the activities you would normally do! By finding a reputable care agency who can provide you with a carer that you enjoy spending time with, your quality of life will be greatly enhanced.

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Progressive Conservative candidate Penny Lucas, Kenora—Rainy River

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Penny Lucas is running for the Progressive Conservative in the Ontario provincial election, in the Kenora-Rainy River riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Oil price jumps as Rita heads to refineries

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Oil, natural gas, and gasoline futures prices are all rising in anticipation of the Hurricane Rita landfall on Friday. The market price for crude oil is rising about 1% a day, while gasoline futures rose 5% both Wednesday and Thursday. Natural gas prices are also rising, with NYMEX Henry Hub price index showing an increase of over 3.5% on Thursday. Oil refineries in the path of the storm, despite the pressure exerted by rising oil prices, are expected to increase their prices which in turn will be reflected at the pump.

The price for crude oil is expected to reach US$68 a barrel after reaching the all-time high in the U.S. at $70.85 on Aug 30, in fear of the landing of Rita along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Along the Texas gulf coastline, whose key U.S. oil production facilities were largely untouched by the catastrophic Hurricane Katrina onslaught three weeks ago, production and distribution facilities have been battened down.

Rita was downgraded to a Category 3 storm Friday as it neared the coast. The storm, packing sustained winds of 125 mph, appears headed for the border between Texas and Louisiana. Hurricane force winds extend up to 60 miles from the center, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm, currently, is the third-most intense hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic, just behind Gilbert in 1988 and the 1935 Labor Day hurricane.

Regions of Texas near where the storm is expected to land is home to the biggest concentration of U.S. oil refineries, accounting for 26 percent of the nation’s total capacity. After Katrina made its landfall in Louisiana last month, four damaged refineries in Mississippi and Louisiana were shut down, crippling 5 percent of the US capacity. Eighteen of the 26 refineries in Texas are located on the Gulf of Mexico with a combined distillation capacity of 4 million barrels daily.

The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch for the Texas coastline, including Galveston, where the nation’s largest oil refinery belonging to Exxon Mobil Corp. is located.

“Some of those refineries in Texas, they’re at sea level. It’s a table top, it floods very easily, said Ed Silliere, vice president of risk management at Energy Merchant LLC in New York.

Plants have shut down as Rita advances. Shell Oil shut down its seventh-largest refinery in Deer Park, Texas. There is no date set for resuming production. Conoco Philips is shutting its Old Ocean, Texas, refinery. BP is pulling some workers from its Texas refinery and shutting parts of the fourth largest plants in US. Valero, the largest U.S. refiner, said it is closing its plants in Texas City and Houston, with the shutdown to be completed by midday Thursday.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed at its meeting in Vienna on Tuesday to effectively suspend its quota system for the first time since 1991 Gulf War to relieve the rising oil price by pumping an estimated additional 2 million barrels of oil a day, which will begin at Oct 1 and last for 3 months.

The head of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (the statistical and analytical wing of the U.S. Department of Energy), Guy Caruso, criticized OPEC for constraining production to keep prices high after the 11-member oil cartel pledged to make available the additional 2 million barrels daily.

“Without question,” Caruso said Wednesday when asked during a Senate Commerce Committee hearing whether OPEC has contributed to soaring oil prices, “OPEC policy has been to constrain production and collude… Under the FTC definition of collusion and price-fixing, yes.”

According to OPEC, 62 percent in U.K., and 24 percent of fuel prices in the U.S. consist of taxes. Consuming nations have a responsibility to invest in refineries and to lower taxes if they want lower fuel prices, OPEC President Sheikh Ahmad Fahd al-Sabah said. He is the oil minister of Kuwait.

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Side Effects Of Weight Loss Pills Are You Aware Of Them?

By John A. Ross

Due to the majority of people getting more and more unfit and gaining weight, the search for products aiding in losing weight is getting more and more popular. Unfortunately this has led many companies to release dangerous products onto the market for many years now. These products have often times harmed people far more than they have helped them. These products are often times called weight loss pills. Over the course of this article, we want to explain and warn you about the side effects of weight loss pills, so that you don’t fall victim of these dangerous products.

First of all, weight loss pills are often times products containing stimulants or laxatives. A lot of these products are also very addictive. If you ever decide to use these products, you should make sure that you do only under the supervision of a doctor and never without his or her prescription as there are extreme health risks associated with these pills. Doctors often times are quoted as saying that the risks of these products are only smart to take if you are extremely obese. If you are not extremely obese, you should just continue your diet and exercise regimen before ever considering these products.


Many of you are probably wondering now what the health risks really are. Well, the products that contain stimulants can easily cause Primary Pulmonary Hypertension which can attack your lungs and therefore be fatal. Besides these, the risk of getting addicted to these pills is also fairly high. Aside from addiction, these products are known to cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, depression, anxiety and psychosis. Products that are based on laxatives can be very harmful to your body as they will cause your body to lose a lot of fluids. This loss of fluids will lead to water retention and therefore a so-called bloat. This bloat often times leads to a person using more laxative as they think they have gained even more weight. This can be called a vicious cycle. There are also some ingredients to laxatives that are known to cause cancer. Laxatives are also known to give a false sense of weight loss, due to the high amount of water lost. It is not uncommon to lose 10 pounds of water when using laxatives which will come back as soon as the laxatives are laid off.

As you can see there are many health risks associated with using weight loss pills. The side effects of using weight loss pills clearly out-weigh the benefits and it is therefore recommended to avoid using them. Products that are known to cause damage or inhibit function in your body or brain are not recommended for use as they may cause long-term damage. If you are looking to lose weight, a proper diet coupled with a good exercise regimen is your best bet. So far mankind has not been able to produce a weight loss pill that will ever replace the two factors just mentioned and therefore your best bet is to just stay away from them completely.

About the Author: Do you want

Healthy Weight Loss

information that can help you become slim without any risks? Avoid the

Side Effects of Weight Loss Pills

and try a natural diet combined with exercise that can improve your health and well being while at the same time help you to reduce your weight.


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Sweden’s Crown Princess marries long-time boyfriend

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sweden’s first royal wedding since 1976 took place Saturday when Crown Princess Victoria, 32, married her long-time boyfriend and former personal trainer, Daniel Westling, 36. The ceremony took place at Stockholm Cathedral.

Over 1,200 guests, including many rulers, politicians, royals and other dignitaries from across the world, attended the wedding, which cost an estimated 20 million Swedish kronor. Victoria wore a wedding dress with five-metre long train designed by Pär Engsheden. She wore the same crown that her mother, Queen Silvia, wore on her wedding day 34 years previously, also on June 19. Victoria’s father, King Carl XVI Gustaf, walked Victoria down the aisle, which was deemed untraditional by many. In Sweden, the bride and groom usually walk down the aisle together, emphasising the country’s views on equality. Victoria met with Daniel half-way to the altar, where they exchanged brief kisses, and, to the sounds of the wedding march, made their way to the the silver altar. She was followed by ten bridesmaids. The couple both had tears in their eyes as they said their vows, and apart from fumbling when they exchanged rings, the ceremony went smoothly.

Following the ceremony, the couple headed a fast-paced procession through central Stockholm on a horse-drawn carriage, flanked by police and security. Up to 500,000 people are thought to have lined the streets. They then boarded the Vasaorden, the same royal barge Victoria’s parents used in their wedding, and traveled through Stockholm’s waters, accompanied by flyover of 18 fighter jets near the end of the procession. A wedding banquet followed in the in the Hall of State of the Royal Palace.

Controversy has surrounded the engagement and wedding between the Crown Princess and Westling, a “commoner”. Victoria met Westling as she was recovering from bulemia in 2002. He owned a chain of gymnasiums and was brought in to help bring Victoria back to full health. Westling was raised in a middle-class family in Ockelbo, in central Sweden. His father managed a social services centre, and his mother worked in a post office. When the relationship was made public, Westling was mocked as an outsider and the king was reportedly horrified at the thought of his daughter marrying a “commoner”, even though he did so when he married Silvia. Last year, Westling underwent transplant surgery for a congenital kidney disorder. The Swedish public have been assured that he will be able to have children and that his illness will not be passed on to his offspring.

Westling underwent years of training to prepare for his new role in the royal family, including lessons in etiquette, elocution, and multi-lingual small talk; and a makeover that saw his hair being cropped short, and his plain-looking glasses and clothes being replaced by designer-wear.

Upon marrying the Crown Princess, Westling took his wife’s ducal title and is granted the style “His Royal Highness”. He is now known as HRH Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland. He also has his own coat-of-arms and monogram. When Victoria assumes the throne and becomes Queen, Daniel will not become King, but assume a supportive role, similar to that of Prince Phillip, the husband of the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II.

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